The Vegan Dandy

Reviewing men's vegan clothing, toiletries, and skincare products

Category: Beard care

Urban Beard Beard Oil

Oh hey, look, a blog post.  Yeah yeah, I started out great guns and now I don’t post as frequently.  I’ll try to fix that.  Maybe.

So, this review is for Urban Beard’s beard oil, but first, I wanted to give a little shout out to Urban Beard.  My first review was their beard butter, and if you recall, I like the product a lot, but wasn’t enthused about the scent.  I received an email from the folks at Urban Beard – unsolicited, they had not seen the post – to ask what I thought about the beard butter.  I let them know I liked the product, but wasn’t happy with the scent.  They let me know they had been considering changing the smell.  So, first, that’s pretty cool customer service, and they should be given props for that.  Second, if they do change or get rid of the scent, the bard butter would be way better.

Anyway, onwards!  To the review!

I’ve had a beard for about a decade, and I think beards are great.  Now, there are some issues with beards.  First, they can be really itchy and scratchy – even at the best of times.  Second, beard dandruff can be a real problem for bearded gents, and for those of us with dry skin, it can be a real problem.  I find that daily shampooing of the beard can help with these issues, but doesn’t permanently fix them.

Wow, am I glad I found the beard oil.  It’s really fantastic, and has made its way into my daily grooming routine.  The beard oil helps sooth my beard, it helps keep it really soft – avoiding itching and scratching at the beard, and really does cut down the beard dandruff a great deal.  All of these things are a real big plus.  On the days after I trim my beard it is especially nice – it soothes my skin underneath, and helps soften up the freshly trimmed tips of my beard, greatly reducing irritation.

The oil comes in a bottle with an eyedropper, so you’re able to control how much, or little, oil you want to apply.  As I have a beard trimmed close-ish to my face, I’d say I use about four drops a day, and the bottle lasted me about six weeks.  At a retail price of $25, I consider that good money for value.  The beard oil has a nice scent to it, which is hard to describe.  It kinda smells like an old-timey medicine, but in a good way.  It’s a really nice smell, and it evaporates quite quickly, so you aren’t stuck with it all day.

If you’re bearded, I strongly, strongly recommend the beard oil.  It makes your beard much more manageable and nice.  It’s a great addition to your daily grooming routine.

Beard Oil

Urban Beard Beard Oil: 5/5.

tl;dr, excellent way to keep your beard soft and dandruff free.  If you’re bearded, invest in some.

Urban Beard’s Beard Butter

This actually arrived in the mail the day I decided to take the leap and start this blog, so I figure why not make it my first product review.

I have a beard, and I keep it fairly well trimmed and groomed.  Beards take a lot of abuse – if you don’t have one, you might not know this.  I scratch, tug, and pull at my beard when I’m anxious, frustrated, annoyed, or bored.  When the Blue Jays start playing baseball badly (which, thankfully they’re doing less of), I rest my face in my hands, which pushes my beard into my face.  All of this can really irritate my face, and isn’t probably all that good for a beard.

I saw an add for Urban Beard pop into one of my social media feeds a while back.  They’re a Canadian based company, and all of their products are vegan.  I decided to try a few of them out (more reviews forthcoming!).  First, they get points for being all vegan.  If you purchase any of their products, you know they’re cruelty free, and that’s good.

Given the abuse my beard takes, I ordered  their beard butter (pictured below).

When I first opened the tin, I thought, “hmm, this looks a lot like a cream or body butter, I’m not sure how this will work on a beard.” I grabbed a finger-full and slapped it on my beard, and was initially concerned that I was going to have to walk around all day with giant white gobs of cream in my beard.  But no, it actually massages into your beard quite nicely and quickly – that was a pleasant surprise.  It is also non-greasy and non-oily.  It’s very light and pleasant, which gets it points as well.

Did the product deliver?  Well, my beard did feel softer after use, which was really nice.  It also made my beard quite manageable – I combed it into place with the beard butter in there and it stayed rather well kempt. (is kempt the opposite of  unkempt?  It has to be, right?)  Throughout the day, my beard felt softer to the touch.  Also good.

I have one complaint though, and, for me, its a big-ish one.  The product description says it has a “refreshing minty scent” to it.  Uh, not quite.  There is some mint in the scent, but it really, really reminds me of citronella candles.  Like, a lot.  A few hours into my day, and it was all about the citronella smell – I felt like I was walking around with a citronella candle strapped to my chin.  That was really quite bothersome to me.

A tin costs $30 CAD, and for the amount of beard butter you get, that’s not unreasonable.  It comes in an aluminum tin, because apparently aluminum is easier to recycle.  As far as value for money goes, not terrible, but not the most amazing price-point either.  For me, I’ll keep the tin that I have around.  I’ll probably use it only on days after I trim my beard to sooth my face.  Other than that, I’m not sure it’ll end up in my daily rotation.

3.5 / 5, but if you aren’t as sensitive to scents as I am, it’s probably a 4 or 4.5 out of 5.

tl;dr: a good way to moisturize, repair, and shape your beard at a descent price, but if strong scents aren’t your thing, avoid.

beard butter


Until next time, be kind to animals.