eShave Fragrance Free Pre-Shave Oil

No, you don’t update your blog regularly anymore.

The pre-shave is a really important part of the whole shave process.  It softens your whiskers and smooths the skin, helping the razor glide over your skin easier, and makes for a closer and better shave.  I’ve used a few pre-shave treatments in the time I’ve been wet-shaving, and the eShave oil is near the top of my list.

The eShave oil comes in a variety of different scents, but I’ve gone with the scent free, as I don’t particularly like a lot of scent.  The 2 ounce bottle may not seem like a lot, but it goes a long way – you only need a very little oil every time you shave, so the bottle will go a long way.  At retail around $20 for the bottle, that makes it a fairly good deal.

I really like the eShave oil.  It glides on very smoothly, and applies evenly to the face without a lot of effort.  It’s oily (duh), but isn’t so viscous that its dripping all over you and hard to deal with.  It coats my stubble and skin just fine, and makes for a smooth shave.  I have had almost no nicks or cuts using the eShave oil – although, that’s not a scientific finding, as my shaving technique is improving leaps and bounds since I started this blog.

If you shave with a shaving soap, as I sometimes do (although not as much as a shaving cream), besides oiling your face, you can put a drop of the oil into the soap bowl, to help whip up a nice lather that will apply on your face.  While I have a few other pre-shave products I use, I found one of the best uses for the eShave oil was to add to my shaving soap – I strongly recommend using that.

Is the eShave oil the only pre-shave treatment I use?  No.  Buuuuuut that’s because I have a few in my possession and I flip between them on a whim.  I would say that it is my go-to pre-shave treatment, and currently my favourite.  If I reduced down to just one pre-shave, it would certainly be this.

eShave preshave oil


eShave pre-shave oil: 5/5

tl;dr: a really excellent pre-shave treatment, suitable for all types of shaving.  A welcome addition to any wet shavers shaving kit.

Until next time (which I hope to return to regular postings), be kind to animals